Interview Details

Title & Link

(PDF) Transforming Macroeconomics: An Interview with Nobel Laureate Robert E. Lucas Jr.

Publish Date

February 1, 1998


Robert E. Lucas Jr.


Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane


Journal of Economic Methodology


Calibration of parameters
DSGE models
Empirical analyses in real-world conditions
Impact on macroeconomic variables
Monetary policy response to fiscal measures
New Keynesian approach
Relationships between parameters
Role of fiscal policy
Sensitivity analysis of parameters
Transforming Macroeconomics

People Mentioned

Alberto Alesina
Art Rolnick
Christopher A. Sims
George B Shepherd
Harald Uhlig
James Tobin
John F. Muth
José Francisco Bellod Redondo
Joshua S. Gans
Karlo Marques Junior
Kerry A. Pearce
Kevin D. Hoover
Mauro Boianovsky
Michel De Vroey
Paul Samuelson
Pierrick Clerc
Sylvie Rivot
Thomas J. Sargent

Works Mentioned

After the Revolution: Paul Samuelson and the Textbook Keynesian Model
Agents as Empirical Macroeconomists: Thomas J. Sargent's Contribution to Economics
Conversations with Economists: New Classical Economists and Opponents Speak Out on the Current Controversy in Macroeconomics
How the Mighty Have Fallen: Rejected Classic Articles by Leading Economists
Politics and Business Cycles in Industrial Democracies
Rational Expectations and Inflation (Third Edition)
Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements
The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics
The Role of Monetary Policy
Unemployment: Cause and Cure

Places Mentioned

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