Interview Details

Title & Link

(PDF) An interview with Tim Berners-Lee | Alexandre Monnin -

Publish Date

January 1, 2014


Tim Berners-Lee


Alexandre Monnin



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People Mentioned

Antony Bryant
Ben Shneiderman
Bill Dutton
Charles van den Heuvel
Daniel Riera
Eleonora Benecchi
Fabien Gandon
Ferenc Tallár
Gabriele Balbi
Garry Jacobs
Georgeta Bordea
Itzhak Fouxon
Jaimie Murdock
Jean-François Groff
Johnny Hartz Soraker
Kieron O'Hara
Laszlo Ropolyi
Marisol Sandoval
Massimo Lollini
Max Wilson
Michael Wheeler
michalis Vafopoulos
Nicolas Delaforge
Paolo Bory
Sidey Myoo
Simone Natale
Solomon Simukoko
Stefano A. Cerri
Sturla Bakke
Susan Halford
Thanassis Tiropanis
Yogesh Deshpande

Works Mentioned

A Framework for Web Science
A Manifesto for Web Science
A Philosophy of the Web
Being, space and time in the Web
Building Society, Constructing Knowledge, Weaving the Web. Otlet's Visualizations of a Global Information Society and his Concept of a Universal Civilization
Constructing the Biography of the Web: An Examination of the Narratives and Myths around the Web’s History
How the Web was told: Continuity and change in the founding fathers' narratives on the origins of the World Wide Web
Philosophical Engineering: Toward a Philosophy of the Web
Philosophy of Computing and Information Technology
Philosophy of the Web: Representation, Enaction, Collective Intelligence
Pierre Lévy and the Future of Internet
Proposal for a philosophy of the Internet
Science, the Web and Web Science
Shaping the philosophy of the Internet
The Decentralization of Knowledge. How Carnap and Heidegger influenced the Web
The World as Web
Toward a Philosophy of the Internet
Toward a Philosophy of The Web. Foundations and Open Proble

Places Mentioned

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