Interview Details
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Breaking the Maya Code : Peter Mathews Interview (Night Fire Films) - MathewsTRANSCRIPT.pdf
Publish Date
March 9, 2005
Peter Mathews
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Night Fire Films
David Stuart’s 1984 breakthrough on the redundancy of the phonetic signs
His 1974 encounter with Heinrich Berlin
His introduction to Maya studies as a student of David Kelley
His relationship with Tania Proskouriakoff
His shift in focus from Palenque to other sites and inter-site interaction
Name tagging and the u tup decipherment
The 1973 Mesa Redonda de Palenque
The 1974 Dumbarton Oaks Mini–Conference
The 1986 Blood of Kings exhibit
The clues used by epigraphers to attack an unread text
The conflict over the dating of the life of Pakal
The future of the decipherment
The origins of Maya writing
The suppression of Maya writing after the Spanish Conquest
The Texas epigraphy workshops
Why the decipherment took so long
People Mentioned
David Kelley
David Stuart
Heinrich Berlin
Tania Proskouriakoff
Works Mentioned
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Places Mentioned
Austin, Texas
University of Calgary
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