Interview Details
Title & Link
Raymond Jeanloz (PhD '79), Earth and Planetary Scientist - Heritage Project
Publish Date
August 24, 2022
Raymond Jeanloz
David Zierler
Caltech Heritage Project
acoustics and seismic waves in planetary studies
biospheres and life on other planets
career opportunities in academia
computational methods in research
development of observation tools and instruments
dynamics and properties of materials at high pressure and high temperature
Earth and planetary science
engagement in policy and national security issues
evolution of planetary interiors
fieldwork vs. lab experiments in geophysics
habitability of planets
history and scientific catching up at Caltech
Hoover Institution activities
importance of scientific communication and education
magnetic fields in planetary interiors
national security
Nuclear disarmament
nuclear verification issues
observational methods in planetary interiors
planetary interiors in our solar system
properties of planetary materials
Quantum mechanics
research culture at Caltech's Seismo Lab
teaching astronomy
theoretical and experimental work in geophysics
thesis committee and advisors
People Mentioned
David Zierler
Don Anderson
George Rossman
Gerry Wasserburg
Lee Silver
Tom Ahrens
Works Mentioned
None found.
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Places Mentioned
Harvard University
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
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